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Main Street Market - September 2021 Recap

Main Street Market - September 2021 Recap

Hello, friends! It's been so long since I've created a new blog post — figured this one is WAY overdue. We just finished up the fall market of Main Street Market and per usual, it was just the best time. Even though it was a fall market, it was 95 degrees most of the day! When we arrived at the market, it was 65F and windy. I even bought a sweater to wear from Betsey's Boutique Shop because I was so cold. 😅 But of course, just 3-4 hours later, we were all drenched in sweat. 

When we get home from markets, after we unpack and get back to normal, I love to look back at our analytics and see what sold well and what didn't. The thing about markets, at least for me, is I never can predict what will be popular and what won't. 😅 If you've got this figured out, you should tell me your secrets! So we try to bring a little bit of everything: large, small, black, white, and everything in between.

This "One Day When My Children" sign was by far our best seller. And actually, this size {which is approximately 25x25"} was our best selling size as well! We originally made this sign for my mother-in-law for a Christmas present and then decided to carry it in the shop. It's one of our favorites — and I know it's one of your favorites too because we go through a lot of them! And now, as a mom to an almost 1-year old, I get it. It's so true.

This market is also kind of nostalgic for me because last year when we came in the fall, I was 30-some weeks pregnant with Oliver. This year, I was 10 weeks pregnant with baby #2. It's wild to think that last year we were preparing for Oliver's arrival and now a year later, we're getting ready to celebrate his first birthday and we're also celebrating this new little life growing inside of me.

Some other things I want to remember about this market, on a personal level: Oliver getting to spend the entire weekend with both sets of grandparents, Oliver trying spaghetti for the first time and LOVING it, and both my dad and Brad's dad coming to help set-up and tear down (bless them). I'll also always remember that the day we set-up for this market is the day I quit my "regular" job. I really think it was the best day to put in my two weeks — now all my time and attention can go to Sozo and we are both so, so excited.

The atmosphere at Main Street Market is unique anything I've ever experienced. Honestly, it was just so nice to gather together and see everyone so happy. This market happens every spring and fall, so if you haven't been before — definitely add it to your calendar next year. It's worth a drive from wherever you are.

So if you came and shopped with us, or even came to say hi, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This little business is a dream of ours — a dream come true — and it's thanks to incredible people like you. And also, super grateful to Urban Farmgirl for having us be a part of the market. Make sure to check them out if you haven't yet!

That's all I have for today, friends! I can't wait to share with you soon what we are preparing for this holiday season. We hope to see you at a market in the future - but until then, make sure you're following along online on Facebook or Instagram so we can keep in touch there until then.


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